Date | Church Day | Title | Pastor | Bible Text | Listen + Read |
5th Jul | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost | The flesh, the law and the grace of Christ | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
Romans 7:15-25a
28th Jun | Commemoration of the Augsburg Confession | Jesus before Pilate | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
John 18:33-38
21st Jun | Third Sunday after Pentecst | Whom to fear | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
Matthew 10:24-39
14th Jun | Second Sunday after Pentecost | How Jesus sees the world | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
Matthew 9:35-38
7th Jun | Trinity Sunday | Jesus' authority and the church's mission | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
Matthew 28:16-20
31st May | Pentecost Sunday | The work of the Holy Spirit | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
John 7:37-39
24th May | Seventh Sunday of Easter | Humility in Christ | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
21st May | Ascension Day | A full church with empty buildings | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
Ephesians 1:20-23
17th May | Sixth Sunday of Easter | Public Christianity | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
Acts 17:22-31
10th May | Fifth Sunday of Easter | The Martyrdom of St Stephen | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
Acts 7:55-8:1