Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
9:00am Holy Communion p.20 - Organ and choir
11:00am Holy Communion - Instrumental
7:00pm Holy Communion p.20 - Organ
Bible Readings
- Lamentations 3:22-33 The Lord's goodness and mercy will not fail
- 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Paul encourages generous giving
- Psalm 30 A Song at the dedication of the temple.
- Mark 5:21-43 Jesus restores a girl to life and heals a woman
LH 433 All people that on earth
- LH 530 Every morning mercies new
- LH 158 Jesus lover of my soul
- LH 519 vs 1,2,4,6 While yet the morn is breaking
- Psalm 30 - Chant by R. Roseingrave
- What God ordains is always good - Bach
- Adoramus te, Christe - Lassus
Almighty and merciful God, Your dear Son willingly endured the agony and shame of the cross for our sake. Give us courage and patience to take up our cross and follow Him. For He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Children's Pages
Bible Readings for the week ahead
- Monday: Matthew 5:27-48 Love for enemies
- Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 7:17-40 The life that the Lord has assigned
- Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Food offered to idols
- Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday 7 July readings:
- Thursday: Ezekiel 2:1-5 Prophet to a rebellious nation
- Friday: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Paul boasts of his weaknesses
- Saturday: Psalm 123
Sunday: Mark 6:1-13 Jesus rejected in his home town; sends out the Twelve