Date | Church Day | Title | Pastor | Bible Text | Listen + Read |
1st May | Good Shepherd Sunday | Jesus the gate | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
John 10:1-10
26th Apr | Third Sunday of Easter | God's Lasting Work in a Transient World | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
1 Peter 1:17-25
19th Apr | Second Sunday of Easter | Christian Community | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
John 20:19-31
12th Apr | Easter Sunday | The new life of the resurrection | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
John 20:1-18
10th Apr | Good Friday | 'It is finished' - A Sermon for Good Friday | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
John 18:1 - 19:42
9th Apr | Maundy Thursday | 'The Lord's Supper - Past, Present and Future': A Sermon for Maundy Thursday | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
1 Corinthians 11:23-32
5th Apr | Palm Sunday | The mind of Christ | Pastor Fraser Pearce |
Philippians 2:5-11
1st Apr | Lent Mid Week 4 | Suffering, Endurance, Character and Hope: a sermon on Romans 5:1-5 | Pastor Stephen Pietsch |
Romans 5:1-5
29th Mar | Fifth Sunday in Lent | Hope in a Time of Crisis: a Sermon on Psalm 130 | Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer |
Psalm 130
25th Mar | Lent Mid Week 3 | The Practice of Prayer | Pastor Thomas Pietsch |
Luke 13:1-13; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Matthew 6:5-15